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Parish Life and Pastoral Care go hand in hand.  We offer the ministry of presence to people of all ages during illness and hospitalization, when life becomes challenging and you need the counsel of a person of faith, or if you are in some sort of spiritual discernment.  St. Gabriel's Life Care volunteers are there to help and serve you and those you love.  


Lay people and clergy are part of St. Gabriel's Parish Life Pastoral Care Ministries.  Feel free to contact Fr. Daniel or the parish administrator to schedule for an appointment or visit.


To request intercessory prayers for yourself or someone you know and/or to have them printed in the bulletin, email  An email goes out to the prayer chain that same day.  

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(Gabriel's Men)

St. Gabriel's Men's Ministry, aka the "G-Men," invites you to serve our neighbors!


The G-Men coordinate events to feed those who are precariously housed at Shelter House of Leesburg with a kickoff dinner on Shrove Tuesday each year. They also take the leadership and invite the parish to maintain the Chapel in the Woods - an outdoor chapel on land owned by the Diocese of Virginia. The
G-Men are the ones who transport the "church trailer", set up, and tear down the worship space at the Belmont Ridge Middle School. Whenever parishioners or families in the community need a helping hand like a ride to a medical appointment or any type of repair, the G-Men jump in to serve with love. 


The G-Men welcome youth, women, and children to assist in all events and projects so that the whole church community can work side by side in service of the Lord. ​For more information contact

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All children are cherished members of the Body of Christ - the living saints! We take seriously the promise that is made during the service of Holy Baptism - to do all in our power to support our children in their life in Christ.  All children and youth are welcome to serve as acolytes, ushers, lay readers, Sunday school teacher, outreach missioners and evangelizers.   


The preacher of the day delivers a Children's story based on the Gospel reading every Sunday. The children gather for the story and then go to classes.  They return for the Peace and Eucharist.  Child care is provided every Sunday. Sunday School coincides with the school calendar year and child care is provided every Sunday of the year.


Every parish family is encouraged to send their child or teen to Shrine Mont Camps. The camp is located in Orkney Springs, VA and every participant returns with a story, a new friend, transformed by the experience of being with God in nature.


Shrine Mont Camps provide scholarships for everyone to participate. (Call the parish office for more information).


Jesus said, "let the children come to me." Access to Jesus is given with love to all of our children and youth at St. Gabriel's!


Families with children that have learning challenges and behavioral issues are not only "welcome" at St. Gabriel's, they are one in the body of Christ; this is a cherished component of our identity of inclusion.


Children with special needs attend Sunday School for their life-long Christian formation and are invited to participate in the liturgical ministries of the congregation including greeting, reading, and serving at the altar as acolytes.  


Everyone at St. Gabriel's is encouraged and invited to learn, grow, and serve the needs of other people through our congregational outreach and service. When a person with learning disabilities has a "moment" during one of our worship services, the members of St. Gabriel's will NOT look over their shoulder and glare at them; on the contrary, we strive to embrace, love and support that person and their family members.  

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