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How to Participate in Virtual Worship and Meetings on ZOOM



  • If you're using Zoom on your phone or tablet, you'll need to first download the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store

  • You'll see more on your screen if you turn your phone sideways, so that it's in Landscape mode. The phone will automatically adjust when you do this. 




  • Computer users can use their browser, just use the browser option that you see when you join the meeting, however if you have a minute and are comfortable downloading the app, either from the meeting link or by going to Zoom's website, that option is a little more fully featured.




  • Most meetings will not require that you register or join Zoom. Just enter the meeting by clicking on the link or button and type in your name so we know who you are, or open the Zoom app and click "Join a meeting" and enter the meeting number.

  • If your video and sound are enabled, please remember that EVERYONE CAN SEE AND HEAR YOU! You can temporarily disable video and sound during the meeting if you need to.

  • Muting: expanding on the above, best practice for zoom is to keep yourself MUTED for the meeting unless you have something to say. This prevents everyone from hearing your dog bark, phone ring, kids, email and text notifications, etc. You can tell if you are muted by looking at your video. It will have a red microphone icon in the lower left corner, like this:


Here is a video tutorial from Zoom to help you get started joining a meeting:  [CLICK HERE]



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