Noticias Y Eventos
September 11, 2020
A new day, renewed hope – Fr. Daniel
As the COVID shutdown developed last spring, our bishops had hoped Sunday Sept. 6th was when we could regather in our churches with festive Eucharist celebrations, hugs, Communion, and no masks. It´s been six months since that hopeful projection and as you know, to keep safe, we are not regathering at Belmont Ridge Middle School or St. James.
Even though we still don’t have a date to regather, I am feeling a glimmer of hope. Maybe it is the way our community is supporting each other, or that our COVID-related emergency food and rental assistance ministries are helping so many people –giving hope and light to many in this time of anguish. Just knowing that we care and are helping is bringing hope. So, my soul is feeling that this will pass. None of us know when, and then, there is hope.
So, what does hope mean from a faith perspective? I did a little biblical research and I found this scripture from the book of the prophet Isaiah which describes how hope feels to me right now: “Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint.” How does hope feel to me? I have a sense of peace.
Like you, I have feelings of being overwhelmed, angry, frustrated, or distressed by the effects of the pandemic in my life and in the lives of people all over the world. It’s just that the phrase, “the peace of God which passes all understanding” has come to life in me. I have a feeling that this will pass and I’m not sure why – the mystery of God which I attribute to hope. Hope in the realization that God has been walking this road with us all and is frustrated and distressed with us. Hope in the knowledge that we aren’t abandoned despite suffering, hardship, or anguish because the Spirit is with us.
This week we lost a saint of Saint Gabriel’s when Jeff Knowlton passed on Thursday. His mother said that he was at the home of his dear friends in Eugene, OR. It was the home he wanted to be in when he went to glory, and that happened a day after he arrived at Eugene. Mrs. Knowlton said that when he arrived, he breathed in peace. He was ready to be with God. Jeff is at peace; hope fulfilled. My hope for all of us is that we be filled with peace until the pandemic passes-- in God’s time.
Blessings, Fr. Daniel
11 septiembre, 2020
Un nuevo amanecer, esperanza renovada - Mensaje del Padre Daniel
A medida que todo comenzó a cerrar a raíz del COVID durante esta primavera, nuestros obispos nos dieron la esperanza de que el domingo 6 de septiembre volveríamos a estar unidos en nuestras iglesias con celebraciones festivas de la Eucaristía, abrazos, Comunión y sin máscaras. Han pasado seis meses desde que nos dieron esas palabras de esperanza y, como bien saben, no nos reuniremos en la Iglesia ni en la Belmont Ridge Middle School para continuar protegiéndonos.
Aunque no tengamos una fecha fija aún para reunirnos, siento esperanza. Tal vez por la manera en la que nuestra comunidad se está apoyando en estos tiempos, o por los ministerios de asistencia de víveres y ayuda con el pago de alquileres. Estamos ayudando y alentando a muchas personas, dando un poco de esperanza y luz a aquellas personas que en este momento sienten angustia. El solo hecho de saber que nos preocupamos y que ayudamos a los demás puede traer esperanza. Entonces, en el alma siento que esto pasará. Ninguno de nosotros sabe cuándo, y entonces, bueno, hemos de tener esperanza.
¿Qué significa la esperanza desde una perspectiva de fe? Hice una pequeña investigación bíblica y encontré esta escritura del libro del profeta Isaías (Cap. 40:31) que describe la esperanza que siento en este momento: “Los que los que confían en el Señor tendrán siempre nuevas fuerzas y podrán volar como las águilas; podrán correr sin cansarse y caminar sin fatigarse.” ¿Cómo siento yo la esperanza? Para mí es una sensación de paz. Al igual que usted, tengo la sensación de estar abrumado, enojado, frustrado o angustiado por los efectos de la pandemia en mi vida y en la vida de personas en el mundo. Sin embargo, he encontrado un nuevo entendimiento de esa frase que dice, "la paz de Dios que sobrepasa todo entendimiento". Tengo la sensación de que esto pasará y no sé por qué. Lo atribuyo al misterio de Dios y a la esperanza. Esperanza en la comprensión de que Dios ha estado caminando junto a nosotr@s y que está frustrado y angustiado con nosotr@s. Esperanza es reconocer que no estamos siendo abandonad@s a pesar del sufrimiento, las dificultades o la angustia porque el Espíritu está con nosotr@s.
Esta semana perdimos a un santo de San Gabriel cuando Jeff Knowlton falleció el jueves. Su mamá me dijo que se estaba quedando en el hogar de sus queridos amigos en Eugene, Oregón. Era el lugar donde quería estar para pasar a la gloria eterna, y eso sucedió un día después de estar con ellos. La Sra. Knowlton me dijo que cuando llegó, suspiró con paz. Estaba listo para estar con Dios. Jeff está en paz; su esperanza está cumplida. Mi esperanza para tod@s nosotr@s es que nos llenemos de paz hasta que pase esta pandemia y que sea pronto con el favor de Dios.
Bendiciones, P. Daniel
At the September 20, 2017 meeting, St. G's vestry voted to affiliate with Integrity USA and became a BELIEVE OUT LOUD congregation, click here and check out their website. We explicitly welcome and affirm our LGBT sisters and brothers as members of the one Body of Christ.
Congratulations to our parishioners Amy Reyes, daughter of Maxi and Gerardo, sister of Chelsy and Andie, who was chosen as one of the top ten young Episcopalians under the age of 20 in the Diocese of Virginia who contributes to the ministries of their churches as they walk with Christ.
Click here for the story and scroll to page 18 of The Virginia Episcopalian magazine.
If you love the outdoors, worship God at the Chapel in the Woods. St. Gabriel´s starts worship outdoors with a sunrise Easter service and then monthly during the Summer months. Pets are always welcome to the Chapel in the Woods!
St. Gabriel's Chapel in the Woods is located at the corner of Battlefield Parkway and Fort Evans Road, Leesburg. Parking is available at the Atlantic Union Bank in the Fort Evans II Plaza. Park. To reach the outdoor chapel, cross Battlefield, walk South toward Fort Evans Road. See the St. Gabriel's flag at the entrance. Entrance is directly across from the two blue water towers.